Thursday, November 6, 2014

No Time to Decipher Who is Narating Allegiant

In the past week, I have finished the second book of the Divergent series and I have started the third. The second book was suspenseful and kept me turning pages. The third book, however, is throwing me a curve ball. Throughout the first and second novels, the reader was allowed only into the mind of Tris Prior. We saw the entire story through her eyes. In this third book, the author is also allowing us to see through the eyes of Tobias (a/k/a Four) – switching back and forth between the two characters. At first, I had a difficult time remembering who was narrating! I would find myself thinking it was Tris only to have a detail from the story remind me that I was in the mind of Tobias. I have had to slow down my reading in order to keep the perspective right in my mind. Therefore, I am moving through this third novel at a slower pace.

Additionally, I have finals in three of my classes this week (and midterms in the remaining two). My substituting job has turned into a full-time paraprofessional position and we are laying new flooring in our kitchen. Couple these stressors with the fact that my 1st grade son has been getting into trouble every day at school and we have a recipe for one overwhelmed chick who has limited time for reading! Still, I have managed to read 30 minutes every day (except for yesterday when I was only able to sneak in 15 minutes). This has given me a total reading time of 2 hours and 15 minutes in the past five days.  
Thankfully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  In three or four more days, three of my classes will be completed and I will only have two left to bide for my time. Then I should be able to dive into my reading again with full force.  I am looking forward to it!

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