Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pleasure Reading for EDUC336

For the college class introducing me to the teaching of reading, I have been given a "delicious" assignment. My job will be to prepare myself to be an example for my students through my literate behavior. I will do so by reading a book of my choosing for at least 90 minutes a week and then recording how my chosen text impacts me. Here on this blog, I will share what I have taken away from my reading time
I am both excited and anxious about this assignment. I am excited because I love to read! Couple this fact with my love for writing and we have successfully married two of my favorite activities into one assignment. Lucky me! However, I am anxious because I have taken on a bit too much this semester! I have five college classes through Southwestern. I am subbing for a teacher's aide four days a week. My fifth day is spent observing lessons in an effort to satisfy my course requirements. And, for some reason, my family still thinks they need dinner and clean laundry!
Never fear. I will drag out my superman cape and get the job done... right after I go find a good book.